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Référence de la classe TiXmlDeclaration

#include <tinyxml.hpp>

Graphe d'héritage de TiXmlDeclaration:

TiXmlNode TiXmlBase Liste de tous les membres

Fonctions membres publiques

 TiXmlDeclaration ()
 Construct an empty declaration.
 TiXmlDeclaration (const std::string &_version, const std::string &_encoding, const std::string &_standalone)
 TiXmlDeclaration (const char *_version, const char *_encoding, const char *_standalone)
 TiXmlDeclaration (const TiXmlDeclaration &copy)
void operator= (const TiXmlDeclaration &copy)
const char * Version () const
 Version. Will return an empty string if none was found.
const char * Encoding () const
 Encoding. Will return an empty string if none was found.
const char * Standalone () const
 Is this a standalone document?
virtual TiXmlNodeClone () const
 Creates a copy of this Declaration and returns it.
virtual void Print (FILE *cfile, int depth) const
 Print this declaration to a FILE stream.
virtual const char * Parse (const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding)

Fonctions membres protégées

void CopyTo (TiXmlDeclaration *target) const
virtual void StreamIn (TIXML_ISTREAM *in, TIXML_STRING *tag)
virtual void StreamOut (TIXML_OSTREAM *out) const

Description détaillée

In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file.
		<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

TinyXml will happily read or write files without a declaration, however. There are 3 possible attributes to the declaration: version, encoding, and standalone.

Note: In this version of the code, the attributes are handled as special cases, not generic attributes, simply because there can only be at most 3 and they are always the same.

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Généré le Wed Aug 16 12:33:36 2006 pour IpsiC++library par  doxygen 1.4.4